Labor Advisory

Develop/Revise Work Rules

Professional support to develop the work rules (employee handbook)

Maintaining the work rules up-to-date minimizes legal risks.

What are the ‘Work Rules’ in Japan?
Work rules in Japan are one of the most important legal documents in HR and labor field which shall be filed with the labor authority. Keeping the work rules up-to-date will minimize the legal risks and enhance the better labor-management relationship.

Employee must obtain the employee rep’s opinion.

The company must obtain the opinion of the employee representative when changing and filing the work rules with labor autorities. The selection method of the employee representative is stipulated with the labor standards law and the company shall follow it strictly.

1. Provide translation service of work rules

2. We provide translation service from Japanese to English/English to Japanese. This is an exclusive service for the clients with retainer contract.

3. Developing and maintaining the work rules in a proper manner contributes to better labor-management relationship and create a good sense among local employees on global headquarters. We look fowrd to working with your company to achieve better people management at your local entity.

4. 人材マネジメント上の観点からの対応

5. 就業規則案の最終化と社員説明会


Overtime Work Management

Provide advisory on unique overtime regulations in Japan including practical solutions.

Overtime payment calculation tends to be a kind of black box.

Payroll calculation tends to be a kind of black box where nobody can review the detailed formula of overtime work payment. Consequently, it often does not follow the legal requirement.
We are of assistance on reviewing it even though your retained payroll provider is not willing to do it.

Particular care must be needed when changing the pay structure.


Labor standards law allows the employer to exclude some allowances to exclude from the calculation basis of overtime work payment. Except for thoes allowances, any allowance must be included with the calculation basis of overtime work allowance.

Definition of exempt/non-exempt employee can be always an issue.作業の質が高くスピードも速いAさんは、定時に仕事を終わらせて所定の賃金を受け取る一方、Bさんは、定時に仕事が終わらず、残業手当を支給されます。結果として、「いい仕事」をしたAさんに対する賃金が、Bさんよりも低くなるという状況が生じます。これは、単純な一例ですが、日常の人事マネジメントを振り返ると、似たような現象が思い当たるのではないでしょうか?貢献度と給与を適切に関係づけることは、社員の生産性・モチベーションに少なからぬ影響を及ぼします。残業手当に関する課題を抱えた組織は少なくありませんが、残業の定額・前払い制の検討も含めて、人事制度全体を通じた貢献度に応じた処遇体系の整備を進めることが、より大きな経営課題と言えます。

It is always a risk if the employer would not distinguish exempted employees from non-exempted employee in terms of overtime payment. Laobr laws provision on this may not be necessarily straight forward, therefore we need to make a proper judgment taking into acount the actual operation sttatus of each company.

We support HR persons of foreign companies to understand the various unwritten local rules as well as to achieve better labor-management relationship through proper HR management.


Labor Advisory

Provide professional labor advisory on the latest legal updates including market practice

Provide proper way to refrect the legal updates

We provide timely and sincere advisory on the frequently changing regulations

In the past few years, there have been multiple labor law changes such as childcare leave rules, permission of side-jobs and switching right to indefinite-term employment. It is difficult in particular for foreign companies to follow and administer the said changes with the internal resources only. We are of assistance to operate the changes on a proper manner leveraging not only labor laws expertise but also the day-to-day contact with a lot of clients in various industries.

Provide prompt support for the employee’s mental health issues

More employees tend to suffer mental health issues these days. It is one of the difficult tasks to have them recover and get back to the duties. We provide support on how to deal with such cases and support communication between the company and the employee.

Labor Advisory

Provide professional labor advisory on the latest legal updates including market practice

Provide proper way to refrect the legal updates

We provide timely and sincere advisory on the frequently changing regulations

In the past few years, there have been multiple labor law changes such as childcare leave rules, permission of side-jobs and switching right to indefinite-term employment. It is difficult in particular for foreign companies to follow and administer the said changes with the internal resources only. We are of assistance to operate the changes on a proper manner leveraging not only labor laws expertise but also the day-to-day contact with a lot of clients in various industries.

Provide prompt support for the employee’s mental health issues

More employees tend to suffer mental health issues these days. It is one of the difficult tasks to have them recover and get back to the duties. We provide support on how to deal with such cases and support communication between the company and the employee.