Q1.Can you tell me the fee of retainer contract?
A1.We offer different fee tables for domestic and foreign companies. For domestic companies, it is generally monthly fixed fee basis while for foreign companies it is a combinaiton of annual fixed fee and time charge. We estimate the fee for each client considering an individual circumsntace and the expected service level. Please feel free to contact for estimate.
Q2.How can you support us with retainer contract?
A2.Our retainer contract is mainly HR and labor advisory services though administrative legal document filings can be supported also. For examplle, updating the employee handbook in accordance with the legal updates. We provide advisory on various HR and labor issues that the client would face to solve them taking into account the client feautre in a timely manner.
Q3.To what extent can you provide the service in English?
A3.In addition to email correspondence, we provide a comprehensive support in English including on-line meeting, market practice reporting, presentation, discussion and the like. We have a lot of experience to work with HR persons or senior management of headquaters. Documents such as the employee handbook and employment agreement can be developed/updated both in English and Japanese.
Q4.Do you translate Japanese documents into English?
A4.We translate HR/labor dsocuments such as work rules and employment agreement into English (and English into Japanese also) if we have retainer contract with the client. We don’t provide translation service to the companies without retainer contract.
Q5.Do you provide payroll service?
A5.We provide payroll service for the companies of small size only if advisory retainer contract is agreed at the same time.
We don’t provide it for foreign companies or those without retainer contract.
Q6.Do you make a contract directly with global/regional headquarters?
A6.Service agreement will be made with your local entity in Japan basically.
In terms of service delivery, we can work with global/regional management and HR team directly.
Q7.Who will support our company if we retained your firm?
A7.Our representative will be in charge for consulting requested by your company. In terms of administrative support of social insurance and labor document filings, etc, our staff member will support you under the supervision of our representative.